weight loss, blog, fun, life, real, diet
Although my journey with Slimgenics was/is a bouncy winding road I have come to the conclusion that its due to my body type/shape. I am a pear (an awesome pear) where most people, that are lets same a "apple" have the best results. I do not have a HUGE belly, just muffin top and thunder thighs (never heard a complaint about it lol) so the best way for me to loose the weight is to focus on those areas which only working out can really help with. HOWEVER  you "apple" shapes out there would benefit from Slimgenics trainings. There is a man I work with who has been on Slimgenics less than 30 days and has already lost 20 pounds, however he is an apple. By eating small meals 4-6 times a day he has boosted is energy and there for caused a change in his body to start working more, hence massive amazing tummy weight loss. Watching him go through the process I have watch the weight shed off him and I have seen his attitude change as well (much happier and outgoing) which is something amazing that he gained and I did as well with diet change.

Its amazing how a simple this like eating habits can change you so much inside and out.

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