weight loss, blog, fun, life, real, diet
Just made my 1st online order. My mother gave me the vegetarian chili because she and her hubby were not too fond of it and I can see why. So living solely off of chili for my 2 snacks lasted…well a whole day! I also ran out of shake mix and orange boost. Now I ONLY like the orange boost in the morning and mixed into my shake mix for my breakfast, I tried using the berry and although I love the pink color the taste was HORRIBLE.

Anyway…to carry on with the point of this. Cost WAS $257 but since I signed up for email coupons from the site I had a $50 off coupon! So $200 rather than $250, yes this IS a lot of monies however compared to the startup cost and the cost of food…well I am used to it L (not a good thing to admit).

The cost was so much due to I purchased pills, NOW to clarify the pill are NOT needed or required but they greatly help. My mom and her hubby went to NY on a honeymoon. They ate the same food and did the same things. My mom did NOT take the pills and her hubby did. She lost 3 pounds and he lost close to 10 pounds…so I am taking the pills. EFA’s (fish oil) are not on my list because I can buy them at Wally world. NOW one of the sales pitches is that THEIR EFA’s are designed for weight loss and that’s why you should buy them…ya well Wally world has them for like $5..so umm ya that’s where I’m going.
P.S. - Online ordering was easy

P.S.S - After the diet buster I lost 9 pounds...however durring this time I was sick and not eatting or drinking..so 3 days later I gained back 4 pounds SO it helped but looked like no food and no water was more helpful...

1/28/2012 02:37:25 am

Thank you for info


is shortly

3/26/2012 03:43:13 am

Good post bro

3/30/2012 03:27:51 am

will come back soon


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